Monday, November 1, 2010

Candy is EVIL but was it a success?

I had made a plan last week to eat absolutely no Halloween candy at all. Yeah that didn't work out so well for me. Tootsie Rolls are evil. Really.

On the plus side, I did actually count every single calorie that I ate in candy. That was hard to do. Especially today. I just ate a bunch of Tootsie Rolls and my instinct was to forget that I ate them. Basically hide the fact that I ate them. That, though, is the old me. The new me held herself accountable and wrote down how many of those damn Tootsie Rolls that I ate. 200 calories worth. Really?! I could have had something a whole lot more nutritious and filling, but nooooooo.

However, while I am not proud of how many I have actually eaten in the last 3 days I am proud that I held myself accountable for each and every calorie. That really is something that I would never have counted. I would have eaten as many candy bars as I wanted, and then said that I that I screwed up the whole day. Which then would have led me to grab the bag of chips or more candy. Sooooo....all in all I am counting Halloween as a success.

I told Jim earlier to pick out what he wanted of the candy that is left, and when I am finished typing this I am going to throw everything else in the trash. Yes, it is a waste of money. However, my health is priceless.

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