Monday, October 11, 2010

mind body connection

I went to bed last night fresh with the incredible feelings of yesterday's bike ride. I had a choir concert in the afternoon that was fun but tiring, and food choices were not the best because of the timing of the concert. Yet, with all of that, I did go to bed with a firm plan of getting up this morning, walking, then lifting weights. didn't happen. I got up around 6:30 and Nate hadn't been up for too long so we chatted a little. I messed around on face book *evil time waster* for about an hour...was then getting ready to get dressed and decide where I was going to walk when a friend called....sigh....good to chat but motivation was slowly leaving the building.

I got off the phone with her, went to get dressed, came out, and then started chatting with another friend regarding plans for the rest of the week for our kids during this lovely fall break....yep...even more time wasted. By this time it was after 9am!!!! I am sooooo not a during the day exerciser. If I don't do it pretty much first thing it usually doesn't happen. Through all of this time wasting, I have to say that I was very willing participant. I was tired. My feet hurt from wearing heels yesterday for the concert, and I really just didn't want to walk or lift weights.

Then I tried to get Nate involved. I thought that if he wanted to go on a bike ride at least I would get a little activity in if not a high intensity workout. No go. He was not at all interested. At this point, Jim woke up. Motivation is very low, and now the timing kind of stinks. Sigh. Jim seemed to understand my need for me to move my body so he suggested that we all ride bikes. No go. Nate just wasn't up for it today.

I was about to throw in the towel, when at the very last minute I got a burst of resolve. I told Jim that I was going to go for a 30 minute bike ride then I would take a quick shower before we headed out to do our errands.

Lesson to this really long story. I ended up riding for 40 minutes, went 7 miles, and felt amazing afterward...woot!!!! Two weeks ago I would have totally just blown off the day. That is what the last 10 days has done for me. That is what those endorphins were for yesterday. My body, while tired, still craved that drug of exercise on some deep level that my brain couldn't really connect to...I am so glad that I talked my brain into doing what my body wanted and needed :)

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