Monday, January 6, 2020

Been awhile... it's been a minute (or 4 years..whatever).  I was trying to find balance four years ago.  That never happened. So on November 22, 2019 I quit my job as a junior high math teacher.  Weird.  I spent most of December grieving for that job, my identity, and my friends that sided with the enemy. But here I am now on January 6, 2020. Woah...2020.  I am still jobless, but I am healthier, more relaxed, and ready to embark on some kind of new journey.

I have a feeling this will be some strange ramblings of the last four years all rolled into one chaotic post. Maybe I should do some bullet points?

  • January 7, 2017 my son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.  Now both my husband and son are type 1.  More on that someday...
  • I weigh within 3 lbs of when I started teaching.  Certainly not where I want to be but the job had the capacity of a lot of stress eating and I avoided that for the most part.
  • I have not weight-lifted more than a handful of times in all of the years of teaching.  I started again last week.
  • I turn 52 next week!!! How is that possible?!?!?
  • Newsflash...I NEVER found balance with teaching.  It is a job that is a calling and for the most part absolutely loved it..however, it is definitely soul sucking.
  • This past month getting to hang out with Jim (hubby) more has been wonderful...we still like each other!
  • Nate (son) is a high school senior.  It has been an amazing year so far.  He was drum major of the marching band, and that was very much proud mama moments!  I will miss these band days...sigh.
  • Nate was accepted to the University of Arizona!!!  My alma mater woot!  He will leave in 7 months...really not ready for that.  A lot more on that at another time.
  • I miss bootcamps....
  • I need a job of some sort, but one that lets me workout and go to the gym and get fit again.  I miss that about me.
Anyway...that is probably enough for now.  My intention is to be regular with this again.  I miss it.  It's my therapy.  I need to finish healing and have some intentional "get healthy" posts about eating and working out again.

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