Saturday, October 15, 2016

A wake up call

Four year.

Four years since I have written to vent, to have people listen, to make me accountable, to figure out problems, or to just relax.

I am in my fourth year of teaching.  Coincidence that I haven't written in that long.  Probably not.  I have been keeping track of how many hours I work per week.  I haven't worked less than 60 hours in a week since school started.  Is it no wonder that my health has suffered?

It's fall break, and I made every medical appointment in the book this past week.  I need new glasses, Nate needs new glasses, I got a flu shot, and I had a physical.  The bloodwork for the the physical came back yesterday.  Wake up call time...I heard the words, "your A1C is elevated and you're considered pre-diabetic."  WTF!!! 

I knew I haven't been taking care of myself.  My students, job, my son, my house...all get top priority.  Never me.  So now things HAVE to change.  I HAVE to be my priority.  That's terrifying.  I haven't done that in a long time.  Over four years I have put everything else above me. 

Here's what I know HAS to happen:

1. I cannot work more than one hour at home after regular school hours.
2. I need to be making home cooked (healthy) meals.
3. I need to be in bed by 8:30 in order to get up and exercise in the mornings.
4. I need to get my cardio in after work by walking/running my dog. do I accomplish all of that when up to this point this school year...NONE of it has happened???

That's what I am going to try and figure out today....